Play the Game of Satori


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You’re stuck at home – again. The walls feel like they’re closing in. The news is a staccato of scary updates, new data and stories of loss and fear – the pandemic has reached an all-time high; you know someone who has it and your friend’s loved one passed away from Covid; daily deaths are climbing; there’s conflicting information and confusion around masks and just about everything else, you don’t know what to believe. Sleep is erratic; too little one night, too much the next. And the wine has become a problem. At least it would have been a problem BP (Before Pandemic). Now, it’s a lifesaver. You know something has to change or you may just go crazy - the dreaded isolation insanity. 

The doorbell rings and a rush of excitement pulses through your body. Another human being! Sure, your significant other counts as human, but enough already! If you have to listen to them loud-chewing one more time… 

You peer through the window and wave to the delivery driver as she drops a small package at your door. The enthusiasm you put into your wave is a little overboard-excited, but it’s just so good to have some form of distraction.

You wait two minutes, counting to abate your need to open the door and maybe touch the driver’s sleeve. You hold back, not wanting to infect or be infected by a stranger. Finally, you open the door. You don’t remember what you ordered. Could this be the much anticipated novel by your favorite author? Or maybe it’s the antibacterial wipes you ordered several weeks ago? No, it’s too small. 

You bring the package inside and open it in the kitchen. The small box is full of multi-colored confetti, a tiny painted hummingbird figurine, and a stone with some sort of symbol painted on it. There’s a tiny note, a little bigger than a fortune from a fortune cookie. You open it to read…