Look closely in the reflecting pool, a steady gaze will see the jewel.
Once you’re in, no time to waste. Know your wants then play with haste.
Know your yes’s and no’s to the end. For the gates of heaven they will bend.
The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you
Don’t go back to sleep!
You must ask for what you really want
Don’t go back to sleep!
People are are going back and forth
across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,
The door is round and open
Don’t go back to sleep! — Rumi
What did Ellie uncover in the Want Room?
The team discovers the Want room is literally a blank slate that the team must create from. It’s all about conscious creation (big and small, like flying elephants). Ellie feels an openness, an easy, worry-free sense of wellbeing in this space of creativity. The team discovers there is an art to knowing and asking for what they want, and that each want is one steppingstone toward their ultimate destination.
What was her key out?
In order to materialize a bridge to the door out of the Want room, the team must shout out things they want. They find that only wants that truly resonate with their hearts, not just their greed and desperation, are capable of filling the space of the abyss. They also realize that the room has a say in if their wants qualify to create a square.
Apply these learnings to your own life:
The Want room is all about being present and creating life from conscious choice. We start each day with a clean slate, one where we can choose to be conscious, connected, creative and fully alive.
If you don’t know what you want, or believe that it is selfish to want, you will likely fall into your unconscious patterns, habits and thoughts – repeating one day to the next, like the movie Groundhogs Day. Knowing your wants is like creating your own compass or map to the life you were born to live. Getting present and coming from the heart are important starting points to create a fulfilled and creative life.
This exercise will seem easy to some and not-so-easy to others. What I mostly want for you in this exercise is to take a moment, get present and truly consider what you would like to create in your life. You don’t have to do anything right away about this, sitting and contemplating is an amazingly impactful step.
· Sit quietly and take a couple of minutes to breathe deeply, in and out, to get yourself in the here and now.
· Ask yourself the following questions (writing your answers down is a very effective way to bring creativity into the process, remember what you’ve come up with, and make your wants more visible):
1. What am I passionate about? What makes my whole body hum with joy and excitement?
2. What am I most proud of accomplishing so far in my life?
3. If I couldn’t fail, what would I choose to do?
4. What has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember?
If you’re feeling blocked and can’t come up with anything, another way to discover what you want is to ask yourself what you DON’T want. Then look at the opposite of that to see what you do want.
5. What do I NOT want? Now flip it over to turn it into a want.
And, as always, finish the exercise with one simple action step that will get you closer to what you want. By when will you do this action step?
Suggested Reading and More Tools:
Find many resources and tools at the Hendricks Institute Foundation for Conscious Living website here: Foundation for Conscious Living
For courses by Katie and Gay Hendricks click here: Hendricks Institute Courses. I recommend starting with “Essentials Online” for their core teachings.